Tuesday 9 February 2016

Treasure Box I: Presentation

The Treasure Box is a nicely decorated shoe box. We made the cover in the classroom and students stuck it at home in a shoe box. In the Treasure Box we keep mini-books, puppets, craft-works, games and so on.

Our cover in Primary 1

This is a different way to organize our work and it is also true that keeping everything together provides the opportunity to revise contents whenever we want. Apart from that, students feel really proud about their learning process because they can easily realize what they have learnt during the School Year.  

The first seven contents in our Treasure Box

Students started this project in Infant Education with their English teacher Uxue Larraza and we have continued with it. In Primary we have included a paper inside the Box to write contents. Thank you Uxue for sharing with me such an interesting project!

I ask students to write the title when they introduce a new content in the Box. This is a meaningful way to become familiar with English writing.

Contents paper inside the Treasure Box.

I recommend parents to keep the Treasure Box handy and always in the same place.