I wrote about our first lapbook HERE and today they are bringing it home! It's full of games and now you can play with it whenever you want!
Inside the lapbook you will find:
- Pink tabs to sing "what do you want to play today?" song and ask questions.
- "How do you feel today?" memory cards in the orange envelop.
- "1,2,3, rock, scissors, paper" traditional game in the purple leaflet.
- In the pink pocket:
- "How do you fell today?" fortune teller.
- A minibook about children playing in different places.
- A white flower to practice personal questions, such as "where do you live?" and "how old are you?". You'll find a surprise inside!!
- A green flower with places you CAN play ball games.
- A red flower with places you CAN'T play ball games.
- A blue wheel to ask and answer questions.
- At the back, there is a board game about clothes. (You need a dice and counters to play. You can also colour it at home so you can answer "I'm wearing yellow and purple socks" when you land on the first square)