Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Enjoy your holiday!!

Resultado de imagen de ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY

You can see some funny animations on the links below:

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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Project: We are going on a Bear Hunt

We wanted to finish our English lessons with something special and that's why we've done a project about a "We are going on a Bear Hunt" story book.

First of all, we created our own craft to retell the story. You can find more details about it HERE

We also prepared a Bear Hunt in our classroom and we represented the story. You can watch the photos of the hunt on the links below:

And we also went to the theatre room to watch the video. It's really funny, kids love it and wanted to watch it twice. 

Remember, no matter what you find on the way, because if you can't go over or under it, you could probably go through it! 

So keep on trying!

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Friday, 16 June 2017

THANK YOU families!

What a surprise! 
Thank you very much families! 

It's my pleasure to be your child's English teacher! 
We had a great learning together! 
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Treasure Box 2: XI "We are going on a Bear Hunt" craft

Our last content in our Treasure Box 2 is "We are going on a Bear Hunt" craft. First of all, we created our own setting with the different scenes appearing in the story!  

And of course, we did the whole family going on a bear hunt, puppet too!


As it can be seen in the photos below, we have all the places the family find in their way: long wavy grass, a deep cold river, thick oozy mud, a big dark forest, a swirling whirling snowstorm, a narrow gloomy cave and finally the confortable and safe bed! 


And in the cave... What's that??


One shiny wet nose
Two big furry ears
Two big googly eyes

Back to through the cave, the snowstorm, the forest, the mud, the river, the grass 


As usually, remember to write the title in the contents page. And, that's all!

Remember to write the title HERE!

And this is our LAST CONTENT!
We've done a really hard work! Dont' we?
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Tuesday, 13 June 2017

"Get Well Soon" and "Keep Healthy" videos!

Some weeks ago we recorded a couple of videos: "Get Well Soon" song, you can watch it HERE  and "Keep Healthy" song HERE

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Tuesday, 6 June 2017

"We're Going on a Bear Hunt" Book

We are reading this classic and we are having a great time with all the onomatopoias and the funny noises. 

You can watch the following video! 

And this is their favourite version:

We are working on our last project TOO!
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Friday, 2 June 2017

More pets! Today gerbils!

Today we had Amagoia's gerbils in our classroom. They've got very original names: Ratatui, Batman, Zipi and Zape. 

What a big pet carrier. 

 We have been observing them and we've noticed they have very healthy habits! They drink lots of fresh water, do exercise and they eat seeds, fruits and vegetables. Today they had apples and cucumbers! 

Three were upstairs. 

And one downstairs. 

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More hamsters!

Yesterday Carla brought her hamsters, Lulu and Pontxi. Lulu is a male and Pontxi is a female and they are Happy's parents. 

This is Lulu

This is Pontxi 

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Thursday, 1 June 2017

"I'm feeling ill" videos

As you probably know, one of our last hits is "I'm feeling ill". You can see the students singing it HERE

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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

A hamster in our classroom!

Yesterday we had a special guess in Primary 2 F. Eunate brought her hamster and we could observe it. We were really HAPPY, with HAPPY the HAMSTER!!

Happy was INSIDE

Happy was  OUTSIDE!

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Monday, 29 May 2017

Treasure Box 2: X "What's the matter?" lapbook

We have just finished our second and last lapbook! It's about health and the tittle is "What's the matter? How are you today?" 

They are all different and personal!

In the lapbook you can find lots of hands on activities to keep on practicing while you have fun!

 In the orange pocket:

      - "How do you feel today?"booklet.
      - "At the doctor's" conversation.
      - "Get well soon" lyrics.


"I' feeling ill" lyrics!

A joke about doctors!


Questions about healthy habits

And at the back a cooperative activity using "pencils in" strategy.


Remember to write the title here! 


Resultado de imagen de an apple a day keeps the doctor away

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Wednesday, 24 May 2017

"Get Well Soon" Lyrics

Haizea from Maribi's classroom did a great work writing the lyrics of one of our favourite songs: "Get well soon"!


Monday, 15 May 2017

Songs about Feelings!

We are reading "How are you Feeling Today?" by Molly Potter. It's a great book to help children understand and cope with emotions. We are summarizing the most important tips and creating our own booklet. 

Resultado de imagen de how are you feeling today

Here you are songs about feelings to sing aloud at home!

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Photos: Playing with our first Lapbook!

Some days ago we had a great time playing with our first Lapbook. I strongly believe it's a potentially powerful resource when it comes to motivate kids! 
You can watch our photos  HERE

I am sure you are making the most of it at home too! 
KIDS really love it, that's why we are creating our second Lapbook! ;)
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Monday, 8 May 2017

More Lapbooks!!

Today, I want to show you Itzel's personal lapbook. She did it at home and brough to our classroom. It's a great idea to reinforce what they already know!

Here the cover...

And here inside!

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